How to Maintain your Computer

How to Maintain Computer software and hardware is selected as a continuation of the computer problem dead itself suddenly. of course computer care must be considered well so to obtain the results or the performance of the computer will be stable. In its use should be done regular computer maintenance both on the CPU and monitor. Actually very basic things are often forgotten in terms of how to care for a computer that can cause damage to the computer. These are the problems and how to Get It Solutions

How to maintain computer’s Software :

  1. Use the appropriate Operating System

Operating system will be very influential with the computer specification to be used. it is recommended to be above the minimum level of hardware in order to maximize usage. so, Application and volume of data to the specification of Computer used.

  1. Use the application program as needed

Using the application program that needed will certainly extend the life of the software (apart from the registration code or key of each application program).

  1. Anti Virus Update

Do regular updates to anti-virus owned (read: Review of Free Antivirus Popular 2013). The existence of a virus can cause slow access to the computer and damage to the system or data. Even in extreme conditions can cause a computer crash / hang / Not Responding. If it hangs there is no other way but pressing the Restart button on the CPU. If this often happens automatically CPU often die without the process of Shut Down which means will shorten the life of the computer especially hard drive. via flash virus transmitted media and Internet for PCs that are often connected to the Internet. In addition, anti-virus selection tips that are less precise can also affect computer performance.

How to maintain computer’s hardware:

  1. Dust

Dust is the main enemy of electronic goods and other impurities attached to the device inside the CPU and Monitor casing. how to clean it using a compressor and done in open space. Some things that must be AVOID how to care for the computer in hardware to be careful to clean the insulating layer on the PCB peeled off causing corrosion on the copper path. If this happens, then computer maintenance will be more difficult because it must replace the peripherals. In case of corrosion on the socket, use the contact cleaner / degreaser cleaner to clean it. do not use brushes to clean the sockets feared there is dust coming in.

  1. Cooling System

if you are an enthusiastic user or often use high performance computer for activities like games and multimedia (editing photo and video), it’s good to add cooling system with better. Basically almost all of the cooling system that comes with the processor purchase package (default cooler) is sufficient for process cooling processor.

  1. Stabilize the voltage

voltage is sometimes high or even low (spanning) in the long run will cause the computer to die suddenly without the Shutdown process. Always monitor the electrical condition of your home, if it is in the area where there is frequent power outages (mostly outside Java) please use UPS (a kind of temporary power reservoir in order to shut down the computer properly using the shutdown process) and stabilizer to anticipate it.

  1. Adequate air ventilation

Place the monitor and the CPU in such a way that the air circulation / replacement from and to the monitor / CPU is quite smooth. Therefore, keep the distance between monitor / CPU with wall / wall at least 30 cm. when it is deemed necessary to plug the AC in the CPU.